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Questions Of The Day (Politics)
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In: Leeuwarden, Frisia
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I liked watching these journalists breaking all the rules while trying to get a word from a man who broke the rules:
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Mick Harper
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What's going to trip Dom up is the trip to Barnard's Castle. He can argue perfectly fairly re the mercy trip to Geordieland (odd though that seems to us) but he cannot claim the excursion to Barnard's Castle was within the rules at the time.

Unless COBRA was holding an emergency meeting at the Regional Seat of Government known to be underneath Barnard's Castle in which case he is free to argue that he was attending his place of work. This will mean appointing the wife and kid to COBRA but that is probably why they refuse to reveal who attends these meetings. Ingenious bastards.

Unless they were top cover.
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Wile E. Coyote

In: Arizona
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Dom has broken Wiley's guidelines that the sick must stay in their homes, the healthy should be allowed to roam free.

Dom went along with this nutty idea that you should lock up (sic) healthy people, costing them their jobs...2.1 million now unemployed.....but then traveled with his wife, who actually had symptoms across the country.

I get the fact that Dom hasn't broken the govt guidelines, like most stuff the govt produces, it has loads of get out clauses, so folks like Dom can get around them....but he has broken the Coyote's, which is based on the "what is, is what was...."

The infected must be locked up. Others roam free allowed to work and play.
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In: finity and beyond
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And lo, it came to pass. That the Government Advisor, Dominic Cummings, known as the Mekon, went among the unwashed north of Watford.

And his enemies were greatly distressed, and wailed loudly. "Has not this Mekon broken his own leader's covenant?".

And his leader replied: "The Mekon is not a Health Advisor - RTFM"

6.—(1) During the emergency period, no person may leave the place where they are living without reasonable excuse.

(2) For the purposes of paragraph (1), a reasonable excuse includes the need—
(d) to provide care or assistance, including relevant personal care within the meaning of paragraph 7(3B) of Schedule 4 to the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Groups Act 2006(3), to a vulnerable person, or to provide emergency assistance;

Legal opinion now follows:

1) When people obliged to self-isolate have a four-year-old son (or any other dependent(s)), they have not merely a ‘reasonable excuse’ but a positive legal duty to move the child promptly to new carers before isolating. Immediate relatives are at the top of the list of candidates for such alternative carers.

As the immediate relatives have already had Covid-19, it's also one of the safest options.

2) It is inevitable that the child will have been in contact with the parents and is inevitable that the child will be in contact with the new carers. This is the irreducible minimum that cannot be avoided. It is obviously desirable, though not a legal duty (it will not always be possible), that the process of moving be done by the about-to-self-isolate, rather than by using a third party, to avoid contacts above this minimum. Thus driving directly in your self-isolating car to the new carers’ location is preferable to having the child moved there by others.

As driving in your own care maintains the self-isolation.

3) As soon as the child is no longer under your care (i.e. is in the new care point), it is clearly desired under the rules that you then minimise time and distance travelling to your self-isolation location. (Deliberately ignoring a convenient local one to make a long journey to another merely because you prefer it, without other reasons, is banned.) Thus a property closer to the point you are at, once you have deposited the child and can self-isolate, is preferable to one further from it (e.g. an available building next door is preferable to a more distant home).

Minimise the journey, don't skip off to a holiday home afterwards (a la Calderwood), and don't go for a shag with a girlfriend (a la Professor Neil Ferguson)

So if we assume that we are talking about a single direct drive to the new carers, followed by rule-conforming self-isolation for the period required in a suitable nearby property, then it seems to me that critics need some very specifically-phrased ban on using immediate relatives instead of alternatives if the former are further than X miles (X < 130, i.e. half 260 since a return trip was avoided) in order to make an actual breach of rules out of the known facts so far. (Such a rule would be stupid, but if it could be quoted then the claim Dominic and Mary broke a rule would be factual.)

No specific rule exists, so no specific rule broken.

SUMMARY: the 4-year-old makes all the difference. This accusation (by remoaners with an agenda) depends on obfuscating the difference between driving 260 miles to another location to indulge a personal preference and doing so to place the child with carers.

The crucial distinction being that Calderwood and Ferguson were both indulging a personal preference (for their own pleasure), not for healthcare reasons.

I'm much amused by the pictures of the media scrum outside Dominic Cummings place of residence. With packs of reporters and photographers elbowing each other to get best position. Hardly a two centimetre gap between them, let alone two metres.
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Mick Harper
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In: London
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God Intervenes In Debate
We cannot continue to co-operate with the government unless Cummings goes -- English bishops

My advice to Him: "You concentrate on creating parallel universes and leave the politics to us. Don't let me detain you."
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In: finity and beyond
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We cannot continue to co-operate with the government unless Cummings goes -- English bishops

Are theology and policy the same thing? I could say, but that would be an ecumenical matter.
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In: Ramsbottom
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Let’s not forget, our ecclesiastical brethren have a long and proud history in the practice of witch-hunting.
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Mick Harper
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On a point of information, that is completely untrue. They were keen on heresy-hunting but were very sniffy about witchcraft which they regarded as being a purely rural pursuit and rather beneath them. Not least because it was entirely a civil/criminal matter and not part of their remit to start with. Hence witches are always hanged never burned and heretics are always burned, not hanged.
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In: Ramsbottom
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The laity may have carried out the persecutions, but with the blessing of the church establishment.

“The ten most violent persecutors of witches in Germany were all Catholic prince-bishops.”
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Mick Harper
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In: London
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Did I mention Germany? Or Scotland? We are talking about the English Common Law. You stick to Pendle Hill, my lad, and hope nobbut's been gossiping about you and your familiar out on t'moors in all withers.
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Mick Harper
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In: London
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65,992 people have recently said there's a rule for the political elite and a rule for everybody else. As usual it falls to AE to point out that 65,992 people are wrong. Three top people have transgressed, two have fallen on their swords, one hasn't. This definitely proves that there's a rule for Cummingses and a rule for everybody else.

It required Al-Jazeera to point to the actual truth. It said that Dominic had 'spotted a loophole in the rules' which, I think, rings so true as to solve the whole affaire. He will have to go but a loophole will be found to let him back in. As the PM's live-in chauffeur possibly.
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Mick Harper
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In: London
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Da blacks have finally cottoned on to how to stop themselves getting offed by the fuzz. This is the deal:
1. Black guy dies under the ministration of a white cop
2. Liberals come out in droves
3. Looters come out in droves
4. City burns down
5. Ya want some more?
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Mick Harper
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In: London
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A friend of mine in the Klu Klux Klan writes:
Brother Michael, it was us. We reckoned tens of thousands would come out and mingle their Covids all night which would spread through the Great State of Minnesota and take out blacks in a ratio of five to three.
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Mick Harper
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In: London
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It's not just a Question of The Day, it's a question for every day: global warming. Or, if you don't believe in that, global everything else. Nobody can miss the fact that something's up.

Me and Hatty did our bit by pointing out the true cause and we made a DVD about it. Due to vested interests or something, this did not receive the attention it deserved, so we've decided to put it on YouTube to give the world one last chance to redeem itself. You will find it here
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In: finity and beyond
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Mick Harper wrote:
Da blacks have finally cottoned on to how to stop themselves getting offed by the fuzz.

Minneapolis, Middlesbrough or Marseille?
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