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Questions Of The Day (Politics)
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Mick Harper
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Yes, very solid points. We are, I think, looking at a general Euro-loss of nerve -- which included sheltering under the American wing after 1989 when it became obvious there was no longer any need to do so. We had only just got used to the idea of sheltering under the German wing when Merkel made her disastrous "let 'em all in" decision. Much of the mischief, including Brexit, stems from this. [I do not myself oppose such a policy, it's just everyone else does. So I do.]

But it has all now got mixed up with the ISIS problem because nobody will recognise that terrorism only works if you decide you're terrified. Terrorism is an excellent strategy because sometimes you ought to be terrified (like being at the sharp end of terror bombing in the war) but decide not to be; other times you ought not to be (like the occasional office block going down) and decide you are.

The ISIS case is interesting because the Security Authorities insist they cannot surveil the numbers (which is perfectly true) and that means havoc will be wrought (which is completely untrue). Unless those at the sharp end insist on fetishising every terrorist incident, large or small (which is absurdly true).
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Wile E. Coyote

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We are so nice. If Corbyn or Johnson or their predecessors had been charged with 10 sexual assaults against women, would it be overlooked by the MSM in this campaign.
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Mick Harper
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Three shocking stories in quick succession on the news tonight. The first, which was probably only shocking to me, was the Hong Kong protesters sweeping the board in local elections. I had automatically assumed that the Hong Kong electorate would show their ire with these idiot students but it turned out I was the idiot.

Next, it's London being the idiot. Banning Uber. And just after I had my first Uber ride too. I know it's a stretch but this is a harbinger of Corbyn-rule. They (Transport for London) know what's good for us (a third of Londoners use Uber) and presently only TfL, among socialist organs, has the executive power to make us dance to their tune. You wait.

Lastly it was the BBC that was shocking. The smart young things on World News (BBC4) told us that cement production was responsible for more CO2 than the whole of aviation. OK, worth knowing. "An Indian entrepreneur is leading the way in reducing it." Good, what's his secret? Well, there's a lot of bamboo where he is so he uses that to heat the cement rather than fossil fuels. World news indeed.
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Mick Harper
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But they have now all paled in the face of a fourth story which was about black youths fighting outside a Birmingham cinema showing a film about Lewisham black youths fighting Peckham black youths. (I know whose side I'm on there.) Darshna Soni, Channel 4's Midlands correspondent, gave us the wider picture: "There's no evidence that the young people had been out to see that particular film." Honestly, they were her exact words.

Black intellectual rebuking Krishna Guru-Murthy afterwards in a studio interview: "There was only one machete."
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Wile E. Coyote

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Well, there's a lot of bamboo where he is so he uses that to heat the cement rather than fossil fuels. World news indeed.

Biomass is considered renewable, particularly if it is fast growing wood like bamboo. The idea is that it is a bit like solar. Err ...The sun enables quick growth. One problem being our friends in Europe are cutting down their ancient forests and counting it as Biomass. Last time I read up Europe's and Britain's biggest renewable is Biomass, forget wind, waves or sun that the Beeb lovingly shows we are burning wood and rubbish pellets to create energy.

We are seeing the birth of a new Wood Age.
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Mick Harper
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It is one of the more dazzling current examples of careful ignoral. One can carry on flying in jet planes with a clear conscience now that Ryan Air has planted a six acre wood in Sussex as an offset. No, wait, that's Winnie-the-Pooh, isn't it?. Somewhere in Ireland.
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Mick Harper
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Mein Gott, the next news item tops the lot. A woman police superintendent gets prosecuted because her sister sends her a sicko bit of film, which her husband has sent her, with the words "Sorry, had to send this. It's so sad this person would put this out. Please post this and let's hope he gets life." All three got done for possessing indecent images. Doesn't anybody know the difference between possession and possession?

Actually there's a bit of a history of this. Back when drugs was the current hysteria, a very nice landlady ("Miss Sweet", would you believe) got done for possession because one of her tenants had some hash. Then when terrorism was the current hysteria a university lecturer researching terrorism was done for possessing material supportive of terrorism. Now this. Please, everybody, don't send me stuff, I don't want to go to prison.
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There's no evidence she was aware of the attachment sitting unread in her email. Then, a few days after it was sent, she and the sister spent a couple of hours together and according to the prosecution they must have discussed it. How can someone be found guilty on such an assumption?

This superintendent has been with the police for 36 years and the judge referred to her exemplary record. There are mutterings that if she'd been white the verdict wouldn't have been a guilty one.
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Mick Harper
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I didn't buy the ignorance stuff and I didn't buy the black stuff. I just don't buy the possession stuff. You have to possess stuff with some illegal intent -- whether to watch it for enjoyment or to distribute it. This is a bit like being done for possessing an offensive weapon after being stopped and searched and them finding a Stanley knife you just bought at B & Q.

There was some nice misdirection though about her not reporting it to the police. A disciplinary offence which, for all I know, she might be (civilly) guilty of. Mind you, if I thought my sister and my brother-in-law would be in the frame I wouldn't have either.
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Wile E. Coyote

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The mainstream media cannot figure out Labour's Brexit policy. Corbyn will negotiate a new Brexit deal, and then hold a second referendum, in which he will not take sides.

In fact, it is extremely simple. Jezza is personally unwilling to break a lifetime ban of jointly standing on the same platform, and with the same ticket, as Tories and Big Business.

He cunningly didn't break his life time stance during the first ref and he won't do it again during Brexit ref 2.

It is simply a question of appearance and his personal legacy as a socialist.

He is going to heaven.
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Mick Harper
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Hugh Grant Hits the Campaign Trail
Voters were faced with an unusual canvasser yesterday...

Members of the performing arts have a difficult row to hoe at election time. Yes, it's exposure for us older troupers, perhaps a little out of the public eye (am I right, Hugh, or am I right?) but that has to be balanced against alienating your audience if you choose the wrong party and the perils of typecasting if you choose the right one. Supporting the Greens is probably best.
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Mick Harper
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Americans beware! One of the reasons impeachment fell out of fashion in Britain was the case of Clive of India. Despite being a great hero of the British Empire (or because of it) he was impeached for corruption and malfeasance in office. This led to his memorable and effective defence, "By God, Mr. Chairman, at this moment I stand astonished at my own moderation."

The president will surely argue, "I'm only a moderate scumbag" and if you look at what he is being impeached for, leaving some jism on Monica's dress, he does have a point.
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Mick Harper
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Hi! Justice Hiram C Cocklecarrot here. President Trump will be impeached and removed from office in 2020. He will be re-elected in 2020. When the new Congress and presidency are inaugurated in 2021 the impeachment process can begin again since the evidence will be the same and the outcome the same. Double jeopardy does not attach. President Trump will be removed in 2024. However the two-term limit, as laid down by the twenty-second amendment, will now not apply so he can run again. And, God willing, continue to do so for as long as Congress keeps impeaching his cryogenically preserved body.
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Mick Harper
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Congress called in the expertise of four constitutional lawyers to testify as to whether the evidence amounted to 'high crimes and misdemeanours' as per the Constitutional requirement for impeaching a president. Three of them said yes, one of them said nay. Unless my beady old instincts betrayed me, the three affirmatives were Jews, the odd man out was a WASP. Donald Trump has a long memory and a vengeful attitude to his opponents. Which, in the second term, might now include the State of Israel.
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Mick Harper
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I got my Lib Dem canvasser today and the Lib Dem pamphlet thrust into my paw. Its most noticeable feature is a bunch of easily identifiable-with people grinning out at us only one of whom is non-white. On closer examination it is, yes, the candidate Sam "Our Man" Gyimah. You wouldn't know but nobody could accuse you of hiding it either. A mini-masterstroke.
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