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Questions Of The Day (Politics)
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Wile E. Coyote

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BTW The Americans made the error of not singing, and so forgot their colours, not suprisingly their whole political system is now collapsing.
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Mick Harper
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Ho do you mean? The Republicans were the left wing party when the colours were handed out. It would be kinda hard to switch 'em around now.
Wiley wrote:
More deep throated flaggery please.

Oh, all right then. I adapted the Scottish play for Medium and got a useful reply:


Scotland, Red in Tooth and Claw They’re not pussy cats up there, I can tell you. Mick Harper

It was the Scottish Labour Party conference this weekend and some strident words were being bandied about by all and sundry. As they’re going to be half our government by the end of the year I thought I’d better take heed.

I couldn’t make a lot of it out because of the accents but, apparently, delegates who die will not suffer from rigor mortis if their cadavers are promptly swaddled in a special cloth. Yes, pretty extraordinary to these English ears. Fairisle I knew about. And Harris Tweed, of course, though that’s more a border thing, isn’t it?

This cloth of theirs has considerable more uses than the purely funereal. Faintheart bravehearts, for instance, will be emboldened by waving it around — it reduces opponents to idle mockery. But should that prove ineffective and you end up being led off to jug, executed even (this is Scotland, remember) there is nothing to worry about if you have that piece of cloth about your person. There was other material in the same vein but this was what I was able to scribble down verbatim by watching the on-stage signer:

“The people’s flag is deepest red, it shrouded oft our martyred dead. And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold, their hearts’ blood dyed in every fold. Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer, we’ll keep the red flag flying here. With heads uncovered swear we all to bare it onward ’til we fall. Come dungeons dark or gallows grim, this song shall be our parting hymn. Tea and shortcake are being served in the cafeteria at competitive prices.”

Barry Robinson wrote:
"Tea and shortcake are being served in the cafeteria at competitive prices.”
I am surprised these words are in the song. 😂 (What is a competitive price in Scotland?)

Mick Harper wrote:
Oh, it was a song! I had the sound off at the time.

I intend to write a piece about Scottish shops. I count myself an expert since I entered a few during a holiday on the Edinburgh-Glasgie Canal. I thought they must be Dickensian tourist re-creations but they turned out to be actual retail units. 'An independent Scotland?' I said to myself. 'They've got no chance.' I was asked to leave shortly afterwards.
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Mick Harper
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I had formed a vaguely favourable view of Kemi Badenoch but this exchange with Henry Staunton of the Post Office has considerably disabused me of any such notion. He may be an old buffer but he's as straight as the poker up his arse. She thought anything goes if you're putting the boot into the Post Office but she will discover the shoe is on the other foot and up hers. I predict she will be out of office before the year is up.
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Mick Harper
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I thought Mrs Assange was going a bit over the top when she likened Julian's fate if he is deported to America with Alexei Navalny's in Russia.
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Mick Harper
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Bus provision has precipitately declined in all parts of the country (apart from London, natch). And nobody cares very much, apart from the usual geriatric gits north of the Watford Gap bellyaching about the good old days.

And me. Decent bus services everywhere are an absolute must for all kinds of reasons connected with... er... connectivity. They're absolute life blood. They can't make a profit but on the other hand they don't cost a great deal to provide. More socialism, please!
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Mick Harper
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It was a remarkable coincidence that the parliamentary motion that would have revealed massive splits in the Labour Party over Gaza was the exact same parliamentary motion that would have led to the mass slaughter of MP's in their constituencies.

Well done, Sir Keith Starmer, for solving both problems with a single whisper in the right ear. You have demonstrated your fitness for high office in no uncertain way.
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Wile E. Coyote

In: Arizona
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Well done, Sir Keith Starmer, for solving both problems with a single whisper in the right ear.

"I bumped into to Sue Gray the other day, Lyndsay, and she happened to mention in passing"
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Mick Harper
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It's all right, we've just heard the truth from Barry Sheerman. It was a Penny Mordaunt plot. My opinion of her has shot right up. I had her down as a debby dimbo type.
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Wile E. Coyote

In: Arizona
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It's such a shame, both the Israeli government and Hamas would have probably declared a ceasefire after a House of Commons vote. We have such a fine track record of creating the conditions for peace, not just in that area, but around the world.
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Mick Harper
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As Faisal Islam put it, "Don't you find it odd, Mr Sheerman, that the House of Commons officially holds a different view of a central plank of British foreign policy than that of the British government?"

PS Crazee name, Fize, bet you're sorry you chose it for the Equity Register now.
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Mick Harper
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Only in America

Alabama, being in the heart of the Bible Belt, has an extremely vociferous anti-abortion lobby. They have succeeded in getting a law passed defining even an embryo as a 'human being' and therefore protected under all circumstances. I guess that's an end to the morning-after pill.

Alabama is also at the heart of the artificial fertilisation industry, big business in America, and mega in Alabama. But for implantation to work a whole bunch of embryos have to be stored expensively in liquid nitrogen tanks. Those surplus to requirements can be dispensed with when a successful implanted pregnancy comes to term. Not any more. Under the new statute, Alabama fertilisation clinics will have to store every embryo ... er ... sine die.

Say goodbye to the Alabama fertilisation industry.
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Mick Harper
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Tory MP suspended
"Sadiq Kahn has handed over London to his Islamist friends." Lee Andersen

I'm surprised he's been suspended. The Conservatives are the party of business, they are bound to disapprove of someone who hands over valuable property free, gratis and for nothing. My flat alone is worth millions. Mind you, the Notting Hill Housing Trust were originally Quakers so I've got no objection in principle to religious landlords. But I'm not having it re-oriented in the direction of Mecca. No way.
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Mick Harper
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Today, Sadiq Khan has been wall-to-wall giving short shrift to Lee Andersen (and it has to be said, other Tories). However, when asked to state, for the record, what the difference was between an Islamophobic rant and ordinary political knockabout he ducked the question. Very astute politician, our mayor. We are rather proud of him. Even those of us who think he's a total berk.

But, and I don't want you quoting me here, one has to say that the boyish Streatham ex-bus driver has aged in office. He now looks for all the world like one of those tribal chiefs who were always plotting against Hamid Karzai in American-rigged Afghan jirgas. Blood will out. I expect we'll have to give him asylum if London's Muslim no-go areas start joining up.

PS Is anyone else in love with Baroness Warsi?
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Mick Harper
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If we've got 6.5% of the population that are Muslim, surely we have enough for a full-blown -stan. I would suggest East Anglia. We need not worry about Sharia law because King Charles would be the Mufti of (I suppose it would have to be) Norwich and he's a moderate.
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Evening Standard has just said that Sadiq has a 25% lead in the polls. But who is voting for him?

Yes I know the Muslims are. But the Hindus won't vote for a Muslim. Anyone with an old car won't vote for him. All the racists hate him.

Is it just the power of publicity?
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