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War on Terrorism (Politics)
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In: Toronto
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Mick Harper wrote:
Not necessarily. Would you, for example, have advocated that policy for Canadian troops fighting the Japanese in jungle combat? There were some Canadians defending Hong Kong whose surrender was accepted but maybe not so if notional Canadians had followed a tit-for-tat policy of not taking prisoners in conditions where doing so was not so easily arranged.

Good point. I hadn't considered it. But then; I didn't mean to advocate anything other than a general rule. And I think still it would stand up to your other objections. Demoralizing the enemy worked well for Vlad the Impailer. Why not for us?

The Japanese often massacred civilians though we did not (except by the hundred thousand using bombers).

Actually, I've grown skeptical about many Japanese "atrocities." Much of this is the work of Chinese Communist Propaganda.
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Mick Harper
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In: London
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N R Scott wrote:
Even the mainstream media has admitted that the ISIS "beheading" videos were fake.


Probably a fake report of a fake event. Hence a double negative, hence they did take place after all. Unless Scottie is himself in ISIS. Or the CIA. Or Ishmael is himself ...
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Mick Harper
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Demoralizing the enemy worked well for Vlad the Impaler. Why not for us?

I know of no such evidence so it is unlikely you do.

Actually, I've grown skeptical about many Japanese "atrocities." Much of this is the work of Chinese Communist Propaganda.

There is little doubt the atrocities are grossly exaggerated (see AEL Law of Large Numbers passim) but my case remains even after dividing everything by ten. By a hundred.
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In: Toronto
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I have read enough revisionist material lately regarding the Rape of Nanking, for instance, to reach the conclusion that it very likely never happened at all.
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Mick Harper
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In: London
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That would certainly be interesting. There are plenty of contemporary British and American press reports (for instance) which I had hitherto trusted. By report, as it were. I should like to investigate this further. Please provide a Beginners Guide for the best revisionist versions.
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In: Toronto
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It was the writing of Michael Yon, independent journalist, that convinced me the Rape of Nanking likely never happened, after Yon had already convinced me that the entire Comfort Women issue was a complete fabrication.

Here is Michael Yon on Comfort Women.

Interview with Michael Yon: The Truth Behind the Comfort Women.

He mentions here too some of the material on the Rape of Nanking.

I follow Michael Yon on Facebook (and even debated him and corresponded with him on a couple of occasions!). He posted some of his primary sources to his Facebook regarding both Comfort Women and Rape of Nanking.

Here is one of his Facebook posts about Nanking:

Michael Yon, April 24, 2015
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N R Scott

In: Middlesbrough
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Ishmael wrote:
N R Scott wrote:
Even the mainstream media has admitted that the ISIS "beheading" videos were fake.


After videos kept appearing online pointing out obvious signs of fakery - such as the inconsistent direction of the shadows in this one;

Parts of the mainstream media then responded, admitting that the videos were obviously filmed in a studio, but with the added caveat that they were filmed in studios operated by ISIS themselves O_o
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In: Toronto
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And this is hard for you to believe because.....

...oh yeah. The grassy knoll. And Sandy Hook. And...

Oh well. What can I do with ya? You've proven your talents. The rest must be tolerated. ;-)
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In: Toronto
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BTW - it does not take Stanley Kubrick to spot that the desert video has a green screen. I always thought it was obvious.
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In: Toronto
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What is the point of this conspiracy? To make ISIS look bad?

ISIS has its spokesman and a heavy internet presence. If they didn't behead these people they would be making it known! :-)
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Mick Harper
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In: London
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It was the writing of Michael Yon, independent journalist, that convinced me the Rape of Nanking likely never happened

It is you, I think, that is guilty of Chinese Whispers. Michael Yon appears to concede there was a Nanking massacre but that only 40,000 Chinese died rather than the 300,00 the Chinese claim. It is true numbers do count in these situations but for you 'to be convinced' 40,000 means it 'likely never happened' shows a reckless disregard for the norms of even the most polemical of revisionism.

after Yon had already convinced me that the entire Comfort Women issue was a complete fabrication.

This is a reasonable proposition though Yon's reasoning is not very reasonable. His argument that the Japanese military authorities would not 'waste resources' on such a programme while Japanese troops were starving is not only ridiculous in itself (Japanese troops were only starving in isolated instances very late on in the war) but he immediately contradicts the whole notion by claiming the Japanese wasted resources paying the comfort women!
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In: Toronto
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Mick Harper wrote:
Michael Yon appears to concede there was a Nanking massacre but that only 40,000 Chinese died rather than the 300,00 the Chinese claim.

My interpretation is that the number of civilians that died was comparable to the numbers that would die in any urban combat environment. There was no systemic attempt to punish the citizens of Nanking. The population of the city even increased after the victory was won, when Chinese civilians realized that the environment was stable and safe.

That---to me---means "no massacre."

But I haven't monitored the nuances of the material to this degree.

after Yon had already convinced me that the entire Comfort Women issue was a complete fabrication.

This is a reasonable proposition though Yon's reasoning is not very reasonable. His argument that the Japanese military authorities would not 'waste resources' on such a programme while Japanese troops were starving is not only ridiculous in itself (Japanese troops were only starving in isolated instances very late on in the war) but he immediately contradicts the whole notion by claiming the Japanese wasted resources paying the comfort women!

Paying a local woman for sex could be accomplished in Thailand for pennies (they can be purchased for a few dollars to this day). The Americans are said to have purchased German women for chocolate bars.

Regardless. This is not the limit of his argument. This issue is one of his pet projects. I pointed to only one article. I am personally convinced by the sum total of the evidence I have seen that there were no military-sanctioned "comfort women" kidnapped and pressed into sexual servitude.

I'm sure rapes occurred in numbers commensurate with at least western armies. Perhaps on Russian levels! But these would be acts of individual soldiers rather than an organized military program.
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Mick Harper
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In: London
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Get ready for some careful ignoral re the Phillipines casino shootings on account of
1. ISIS claimed responsibility when it was clearly a lone nutter
2. He was said to have stolen two million dollars worth of casino chips. Casino chips are worthless.
3. Thirty-six people died but all from the actions of law and order authorities. The gunman didn't shoot anyone.
4. The gunman has been 'found dead' in a hotel room. No word on cause of death.
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Mick Harper
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In: London
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ISIS attacks targets in Tehran and the Iranians all start shouting, 'Death to America.' This is confusing.
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In: finity and beyond
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Mick Harper wrote:
ISIS attacks targets in Tehran and the Iranians all start shouting, 'Death to America.' This is confusing.

I'm told it's actually quite simple. Allegedly.

Saudi is an ally sort of (doesn’t like us to actually be on their soil, though, and promotes a hard core Wahhabi sect of Islam. but the USA/UK/EU just sold them $£Billions or so of military gear and told them to clean up the neighborhood (which includes extirpation of Iranian leaning Shiia in Yemen, it would seem).

Saudi is the same Sunni clad as IS / ISIL / ISIS. (Islamic State when bombing places like Iran, “In Levant” when mucking around outside Syria but inside the Middle East, like, oh, Iraq. “In Syria” when blowing up things in Syria. Iran has claimed Saudi is behind the IS attack in Iran.

it looks like a “3 Way” race to establish the New Caliphate. Turkey with memories of past glories looking to get the home turf locked down, then expand into Syria (thus eliminating their “Kurdish Problem”) and perhaps beyond. Iran desiring to work via subterfuge to destabilize things on the Sunni edge and more remote places around the world. Not being quite so into the whole Caliphate thing (it’s a Sunni gig) but wanting effective control. Then Saudi looking to become Top Gun in the Gulf, clean up their “buffer States” (and perhaps make some satraps in the process).

As any sensibly paranoid Iranian would see the Western Allies whoring themselves for the Saudi petrodollar, and more than actively helping the Saudis who are helping Daish, an Iranian in the street could be forgiven for joining the wrong dots together and concluding that the whole Daish thing is getting out of control and we (America) should get what we deserve.
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