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Questions Of The Day (Politics)
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Wile E. Coyote

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Mick Harper wrote:
The departure of the Gang of Seven prompts as ever 'Will it work?' The answer, on today's evidence, would seem to be which side is slightly less incompetent in handling the split. But in general the answer, as ever, is 'Probably not'. Coupla points arising:

1. Everybody is saying what a failure the last such event, the formation of the SPD, was which is absurd since it was a Westminster-shaking success.
2. It would appear that word has gone out that the seven are to be referred to as "Chuka Umanna's party". I'm not sure this is wise from Labour's point of view. True, his stock has been going down ever since his mysterious withdrawal (as favourite) from a leadership election some years ago but he still has slightly rockstar-ish qualities. Just the job for this job.

Both Labour stalwarts and the Magnificent 7 are right. They have both learnt the lesson of Labour being wiped out in Scotland, ie Labour is stuffed if they become the "establishment" in the eyes of their electoral base.
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Wile E. Coyote

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Mick Harper wrote:
The truth behind the Honda closure

1. It's in 2022 for Chissake.
2. Honda is the fifth largest UK carmaker. Who's the sixth? Morgan?
3. Swindon is Honda's only European plant. In other words, it's purely strategic.
4. Declining diesel sales. Europe is the biggest market for diesel cars.

I now return you to the Brexit Debate.

We can easily save the plant, by all agreeing that the next car we buy will be a Honda.
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Mick Harper
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Both Labour stalwarts and the Magnificent 7 are right. They have both learnt the lesson of Labour being wiped out in Scotland, ie Labour is stuffed if they become the "establishment" in the eyes of their electoral base.

I'm not sure this is quite right (but close). Blair demonstrated that if you go far enough to the right, the 'base' is irrelevant. But then Labour 'stalwarts' get furious because this is not what they signed on for. Being electorally successful is irrelevant if you're just a Tory-clone. The Gang of Seven (and most Labour MP's) argue that being an unelectable left wing rump would make the Labour Party irrelevant. It's been like this since 1900.
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Mick Harper
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We can easily save the plant, by all agreeing that the next car we buy will be a Honda.

I don't see why. We've been happily buying Hondas in their millions, bikes and cars, for half a century, built in Japan. Unless you're talking tariffs...
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Mick Harper
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I have been giving the Honda Question some more mature consideration. Clearly, the way things are going, we’re going to end up as either an appendage of the EU or as an uneasy mid-Atlantic appendage of nowheresville. Let’s get radical! Take cars. We build a national car and keep everything else at bay with tariffs.

We build in everything we want: maximum speed 70 mph, un-polluting, seats four, dead boring etc. etc. We invite the present carmakers to build ‘em. Just like the war. (Just like India but we won’t stick to Morris Oxfords.) Petrol heads are free to import foreign cars but they’ll be paying the tariff which goes straight to the Exchequer to fund death squads to seek out petrol ... the details are not important.

Next, the universities.
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Mick Harper
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Given the psyche of the Tory Party, it is disastrous (from their point of view) that the three breakaway MP's are all women. Anna Soubry, we can safely assume, will eat Chuka Umanna for lunch and won't even have the grace to burp.
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Mick Harper
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We must return once again to the Labour Party and anti-semitism.

1. Jeremy Corbyn and the hard left are committed to pro-Palestinianism
2. Most Labour Jewish MP's insist this is anti-semitism
3. Since it isn't, and is actually de facto cover for anti-Corbynism (and anti-pro-Palestinianism), they cannot put it in those terms
4. When challenged for chapter and verse, they are thus in some difficulties.

Ian Austin, the latest defector, when challenged for evidence that Corbyn's Labour Party is anti-semitic, produced these exact words
1. Women Labour MPs being told they don't have human blood
2. Labour Party members denying the Holocaust
3. Ken Livingstone and his crazed conspiracy theories about Adolf Hitler and Jewish people
4. Jeremy himself defending that grotesque racist mural in East London
5. ... and talking about Jewish people ... er... or Zionists ... not, you know, understanding British irony as if ... er ... they are somehow different from the rest of us.

As I say, some difficulties. Still, it will probably see off Jeremy.
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Wile E. Coyote

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Time to remember the good old days when John Sweeney exposed the Fake Sheik.

You have to admire John's integrity.
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Wile E. Coyote

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Smart move by Jezza the Hezza, party now divided over Europe, so calls for a referendum. That will solve it.
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Mick Harper
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And dear old EmilyThornberry (who's been mysteriously kept under wraps for months, have you noticed?) blew the precise methodology (which has been mysteriously kept under wraps for months, have you noticed?). On the Referendum Paper, she told us, there will be the following two choices:

a) Do you wish to remain in the EU or
b) Do you wish to support the Prime Minister's Exit Plan

Since a) is supported by roughly 50% of the population and since 100% of the population has been told by all and sundry that b) is a total disaster, I wonder what the outcome will be? But don't worry, Brexiteers, we'll have another go at it in a coupla years time. And if that goes wrong .... well, we know how to put it right now, don't we? ... so you might as well behave yourselves as you always used to.

Remember the Gordon Riots!
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Remember the Gordon Riots!

Amazing that so many MPs are prepared to blow their own chances at the next election. Take Anna Soubry for instance. She represents a leave constituency so come the next election her constituents will be able to vote for a) Tories b) Labour c) whatever the Independents call themselves d) LibDems e) Farage's Brexit party. She must be hoping they cancel each other out and her personality wins them over. Good luck with that
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Mick Harper
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But will Brexit be relevant in 2022? I predict (actually AE predicts) that the caravan will have moved on. Not necessarily with Anna Soubry aboard.
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Mick Harper
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The mistake over-legalistic liberals (i.e. liberals) make is to suppose that if only they can nail Trump legally as being a lying sleaze-bag, all will be well. The trouble is he was elected despite everyone knowing he was a lying sleaze-bag, so the policy is doomed to failure. Even if they manage to impeach him for being a lying sleaze-bag. Especially if they manage to impeach him. Believe me, liberals, there is nothing like a people scorned.

If we turn to the more substantive issue of Trump being in Putin's pocket then ... good. America has been determined not to be in Russia's pocket ever since Truman succeeded Roosevelt and this has resulted in seventy years of relentless decline in American foreign policy. Hey, Yanks, why don't you try four (better, eight) years of being in Russia's pocket?
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Mick Harper
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Can someone explain what 'being a convicted felon' and 'a proven liar' has got to do with anything at all? All human beings lie some of the time, all human beings tell the truth some of the time -- it entirely depends on the circumstances and has nothing to do with moral character.

So this Cohen character lied to Congress and got three years for it. Now he's testifying to Congress again. We know exactly why he did it last time, we know those circumstances are not present this time, is he really going to do it again and get another three years? Where, as they say at the Actors Studio, is his motivation? The only proven liars around are all these Republican trusties saying like parrots that Cohen shouldn't be believed just because it happens, this time round, not to suit their interests. They should be given three years each.
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Where, as they say at the Actors Studio, is his motivation?

Because the wretch has been told that if he complies he will do 18 months of soft time and then will be able to write a book when he leaves. Interesting that he obviously has no evidence against the great man at all.

And even if Trump was using campaign contributions to pay off Stormy, the worst they can do is fine him, like they fined Obama for campaign violations.
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