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Questions Of The Day (Politics)
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Wile E. Coyote

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Mick Harper wrote:
We need a new Speaker, are you man enough for the job? Just fill in this form

I am not. But I know a man who is. My Suggestion would be Frank Hester.

We all know where we stand with Frank, he is totally transparent like the late Duke of (slitty eyes) Edinburgh and Alan (Bongo Bongo) Clarke. He is openly racist and misogynistic and probably more. He is an equal opportunity abuser of all. He has tons of money, so will not be corruptible. He says it as it is and generally doesn't give a toss.

He really poses no threat to political democracy because he doesn't understand the devious arts of spin, or diplomacy.

What undermines democracy is your Starmers, Cambells, Cummings and so on, who engage in conscious political practice to manipulate procedures, along with making constant accusations of disloyalty (to frustrate legitmate disagreement) and who regularly hurl accusations (without proper regard to evidence) to simply silence and suppress opposition.

I am afraid Sir Doug must go and Frank put in his place. Hear, Hear. Order!
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Mick Harper
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It's the lies I can't take. About a hundred people up to (and I mean, up to) Victoria Derbyshire have told me recently that Frank Hester advocated the killing of Diane Abbott. I say to all of them, "Drop dead." Another hundred people--many in the first hundred-- have told me that Diane Abbott is currently suspended for anti-Semitism. She isn't. She's suspended for being a Corbynite. Actually (tell Frank) one of Jeremy's ex's. It doesn't take the Labour Party a year to decide whether "Jews don't get it half as bad as us blacks" is anti-Semitic. Much longer than that given who provides the money. Hip hop moguls.

We now turn to the Speaker's reason for not calling Diane in the Great Debate. It was for 'reasons of timing'. Actually that's true. Sir Keith Stamper told him it's never a good time to call Ms Abbott (tell Frank).
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Wile E. Coyote

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Mick Harper wrote:
Al-Jazeera (or Channel 4 News who have unexpectedly shifted their operations to Iran for the duration) is predicting that the announced turn-out will be just slightly more than the 47% of last time, thereby proving the election is not only legitimate but things are improving. In the good old days, when liberal mullahs were allowed to run -- or even illiberal but independent figures like Ahmadinejad -- it was regularly 65% plus.

Some great comedy was provided by news that the authorities were constantly extending the time the polling booths were going to stay open (they'd got to the third time and midnight before we went back to the studio). This is usually because of an unexpected surge causing queues but I presume on this occasion was to allow the Revolutionary Guard to round people up off the streets, not to order them to wear their hijab or else, but to go and vote or else.

Officially 41% a roaring sucess, actually a bit better than the Rochdale By-Election. George is not as popular..... yet.
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Mick Harper
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Michael Gove said gender critical campaigners, those with conservative religious beliefs, transactivists and environmental protest groups were exempted from the new definition of extremism. Newsnight

Sorry, I missed the bit about what makes these people special. (One group being so special he double-counted them.) Oh, wait, I see. They're the ones likely to make a lot of noise. Right, I'm getting to grips with the new way of doing things:

1. If nobody gives a monkeys, you won't get any governments grants, as before
2. If you're the bane of society, you'll get government grants, as before.

Thanks, Mike. I'll be sorry to see you go. Unless you jump ship. No, silly, the Labour Party not Reform UK.
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Mick Harper
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I have been diatribing about crummy business reporting in the MSM in the telly thread but it reached new peaks on Newsnight. The talking heads, egged on by the BBC's supposedly economics expert, Faizal Islam, were wondering whether Russian official reserves held in the west should be mulcted to pay for Ukrainian this and that. Everyone agreed doing so would set a terrible precedent that would cause various shocks and horrors echoing through the world and down the centuries.

Nobody thought to mention that we've just done it. We had it away on our toes with the entire Afghan official reserve. And they weren't at war with anyone. I don't remember any agonising about it at the time. I may be wrong but I don't think it echoed round the Newsnight studio even.
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Wile E. Coyote

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Probably because the accounts were frozen by the American courts which were determining whether families of victims of 9/11 could claim damages from the $ 7 Billion dollar assets. (It's mainly aid money from the west that was going to go to help Afghanistan). Biden wanted to give $3.5 Billion of this to Afghanistan now to help immediate reconstruction, whilst holding $ 3.5 back just in case the families of the victims were successful. The courts ruled that Biden's solution was not lawful. How this is "we" have had it away with "their" reserve........I fail to see.
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Mick Harper
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How is any of this relevant to the principle of national reserves being sacrosanct? What you do with it after you've decided they aren't is irrelevant.
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Wile E. Coyote

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If it's a principle that national reserves are sacro(sanct), then presumably they should not be frozen either. The west should totally abandon financial sanctions including freezing.

You appear to be holding onto an idea that national states have no powers of confiscation, whereas most modern folks (since 19th century) believe they have temporary powers of confiscation during conflicts, ie freezing.

Wiley says the stronger should always use total powers of confiscation when facing a serious extistential threat. If not, you run the risk of being seen as weak.

Which is why Putin has seized the assets of western companies stupid enough to remain in Russia.
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Mick Harper
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If it's a principle that national reserves are sacro(sanct), then presumably they should not be frozen either. The west should totally abandon financial sanctions including freezing.

There is clearly a difference in principle between freezing assets and confiscating them. Though you can elevate either to a principle.

You appear to be holding onto an idea that national states have no powers of confiscation, whereas most modern folks (since 19th century) believe they have temporary powers of confiscation during conflicts, ie freezing.

There is no difference in principle between temporary confiscation and freezing.

Wiley says the stronger should always use total powers of confiscation when facing a serious extistential threat. If not, you run the risk of being seen as weak.

Harper says you can do anything you want with other people's assets. It will be your lookout (or not) as the case may be.

Which is why Putin has seized the assets of western companies stupid enough to remain in Russia.

Stupidity? The assets (a) weren't moved out because there was no apparent need to and/or (b) couldn't be moved out when there was a need to. What Putin will do when peace returns remains to be seen.
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Mick Harper
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It will take six to eight weeks from signing the bill into law and the planes taking off for Rwanda. Nick Watt Newsnight

"Scramble, Biggin Hill squadrons, bandits crossing Channel, Dover sector."
"Ooh, I don't know. You should have warned us. Six to eight weeks do you?"
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Mick Harper
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The question you have to ask yourself is whether
(a) the Scottish parliament spends its time debating these bizarre sexual orientation matters because it's not independent and can't debate anything weightier or
(b) wants to show it is independent by debating bizarre matters that nobody else would dream of debating.

We can only find out when Scotland is actually independent so we must grant it forthwith and without further debate (especially not in Scotland obviously).
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Mick Harper
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Angela Rayner Under the Spotlight

Question: How can a home care worker end up owning a home
Answer: It was in Manchester
Question: Is she free and clear over this capital gains business
Answer: No. It was obvious from her repeated and stereotyped answers that there is something mildly embarrassing to do with who was living where and when
Question: What is wrong about her devolving power proposals
Answer: It means 'taking into public ownership' things that shouldn't be and definitely not at the local government level
Question: So you don't believe this means lower bus fares in Manchester as Ms Rayner claims
Answer: On the contrary, it guarantees it. How much this will cost non-bus users is going to be a wonder to behold.
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Wile E. Coyote

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Blasphemy has always been geographic, in modern cities where there are now combinations of athiests, agnostics, as well as multi faiths, blasphemy has had to be reinvented, as anti hate laws, to ensure these fragile new artificial, all inclusive communities' are safe behind their walls.

Its adherents call it progress.

Of course eventually it will go the way of the older Blasphemy will just take a lot of folks locked up, fined, humiliated, carears' ruined in the meantime.....
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Mick Harper
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Yes, I loved it back in the days when the courts had ruled (I seem to remember because of my hero, Stewart Lee) that the blasphemy laws were no longer operable. Now, anything that offends against the canons of the Victim Culture religion is punishable to the max. For example, I will have to be taken out and shot just for saying this!
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Wile E. Coyote

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On balance, Wiley is in favour of this type of thing......being trialled in Scotland.

We did something similar with the "Poll Tax", but this time the Scots are claiming all the credit for the innovation themselves.

It's an improvement of process.

Of course we won't learn from their experience, and will crack on anyway under Starmer, with our own improved English/Welsh anti-hate version.

It's just they, the Scots, won't spend two generations blaming us for coming up with these new Blasphemy laws, when J K Rowling is imprisoned.

That's a postive.
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