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Mick Harper
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Those of you who are thinking of investing in this latest Latvian hybrid aspen fad would do well to read Kristaps Makovskis' Possibilities of Establishing Hybrid Aspen Plantations in Latvia. My this year's Christmas reading list is sure to include The Forms of Organised Crime After the Change of Regime in Hungary. always gets you off to a rousing start of a morning.
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Mick Harper
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The others on the list of twenty things you learn too late in life are makeweights to get the author up to twenty, something I do all the time (though I'm more of a ten-list man myself). But you can read them for yourself here
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Mick Harper
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The Roots of Country Music

Dolly Parton was appearing on a local television talent show but her family could not watch. Their one room shack didn't have electricity.
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Mick Harper
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A direct shareholding by Murty in a UK firm which runs Jamie Oliver and Wendy’s burger restaurants in India. Guardian

I can get my head round the Chancellor of the Exchequers' wife owning Wendy's -- she enjoyed it so much she bought the company -- but no matter how you look at it, the idea of there being Jamie Oliver restaurants in India just does not compute in any universe I'm familiar with. Still, we know how hubby got the gig -- his wife also owns the Mayfair outfitters that provide Etonians with their swallowtail-coats. Which reminds me, we need to know from the list of MP's interests, whose fag Sunak was.

PS Just to declare an interest of my own: my school apparel was purchased at Montague Burton on Catford Broadway. And I fag for no man.
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Mick Harper
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Great Battles of Our Time

Tesco Home Delivery Driver: Mr Harper?
Mick: Yes, bring 'em straight through and down the stairs.
Driver: Sorry, sir, we're not allowed to enter flats in the present crisis.
Mick: Well, I can't manage 'em, what with my back and all.
Driver: Nothing I can do, Sir. Sorry, Sir.
Mick: How come all the other drivers do it?
Driver: It's up to each individual driver, Sir.
Mick: (Pause) Oh well, you'd best take 'em all back to the lorry.
Driver: (Pause) Right, you are, Sir.
Mick: 'ang about, I'll be needing these (plucks random items from top crate (of five) and disappears down the stairs with them. Followed by driver bringing the first (of five) crates in deathly silence.)
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Mick Harper
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More dressing gown adventures. If you tie it, not in the usual place, but round the chest, not only is a complete bow possible and security assured, but it gives a pleasing high-waisted effect not unlike those Regency dresses worn by women in BBC costume dramas, usually topped off with a bonnet.

And talking of dressing gowns, as part of my outreach programme I take part in a weekly Zoom quiz with family and friends, to which one of the answers to a more than usually obscure question was 'Noel Coward', whose name I could not for the moment recall. So later, when we were all chatting about how hard it was and so forth, but before the marking stage, I casually said, apparently à propos nothing, "Who was that thirties bloke who was always prancing around in a dressing gown?" and one of the other competitors guilelessly blurted out, "Noel Coward, you mean?" Rules of confidentiality preclude me from identifying her by name.
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Mick Harper
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Every time it says "Google Chrome is using your webcam" I stand up, get my willy out and shake it at the screen. I know it's only a gesture but the fightback against the Surveillance Society has to start somewhere.
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Mick Harper
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They Shalt Know Thee By What Sends Thee

Scientists Found an Ancient Tectonic Plate Buried Deep Inside the Earth’s…

Philosophy As We Know It Is Dead.

Philosophy is not flourishing, it is letting us down.

Is Academic Writing Making Us Dumber?
I am an art history graduate student at a prestigious London university. It might come as a surprise then…
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In: finity and beyond
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AEL members (I'm glad to report) rarely indulge in full-blown Conspiracy Theories. Tending more to the sensible view that Muppetry is more prevalent than Malevolence.

But, if we happen to know any other friends or relatives who are short of a full bag of marbles, here's something to give them for Christmas.

And it wasn't written by Marvel Comics.

It was announced this week that a "historic new partnership" between the Vatican and "some of the world's largest investment and business leaders" called the "Council for Inclusive Capitalism" has officially launched.

That's nice.

The "council" says its formation "signifies the urgency of joining moral and market imperatives to reform capitalism into a powerful force for the good of humanity" ... "Under the moral guidance" of the Pope, it says it "invites companies of all sizes to harness the potential of the private sector to build a fairer, more inclusive, and sustainable economic foundation for the world."

Even better! Caring sharing stuff.

The council is led by a "core group of global leaders" called the Guardians for Inclusive Capitalism.

See why I mentioned Marvel Comics?

This group, who you have likely never heard of until today, apparently "meet annually with Pope Francis and Cardinal Turkson" and represents "more than $10.5 trillion in assets under management, companies with over $2.1 trillion of market capitalization, and 200 million workers in over 163 countries."

Oooh, loadsamoney!

Pope Francis said in the council's press release: "An economic system that is fair, trustworthy, and capable of addressing the most profound challenges facing humanity and our planet is urgently needed. You have taken up the challenge by seeking ways to make capitalism become a more inclusive instrument for integral human wellbeing."

Happy Christmas one and all!

Lynn Forester de Rothschild, Founder of the Council and Managing Partner of Inclusive Capital Partners, commented: "Capitalism has created enormous global prosperity, but it has also left too many people behind, led to degradation of our planet, and is not widely trusted in society. This Council will follow the warning from Pope Francis to listen to 'the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor' and answer society's demands for a more equitable and sustainable model of growth."

Bob Cratchit will get a bonus and Tiny Tim will get a free Tesla.
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Mick Harper
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It is crazy PR to have a Rothschild fronting it but I would make two observations:

1) there is no such thing as capitalism -- it is simply the default position of allowing people to do what they naturally do
2) I don't take the organisation seriously -- it will be just another bunch of blowhards letting off self-important steam.
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Mick Harper
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Can anyone throw any light on this?
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In: finity and beyond
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Perhaps Hattie has got a new job and forgot to mention it to you?

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The blogger simply copied and pasted a recent-ish post from Recent Archaeological Discoveries without mentioning how he came across the forum. Borchardt pops up now and then in connection with papyrii and/or manuscripts but is mainly known as the Egyptologist who discovered the famous Nefertiti bust
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He seems now to have updated the post with credit and a link to your original message.
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Ishmael wrote:
He seems now to have updated the post with credit and a link to your original message.

Throwing light, as requested by Mick. Perhaps he's a 'guest' on the site.
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